Astro Injector APK For Android (New Version) v1.8
(Astro Injector) as the journey of free fire battle continues and we bring you the best of the best tools to help you in your journey. We always write about the number of difficulties a player needs to go through while playing free fire and we always try to bring you the most useful injectors that can make a way for you in this journey His promise continues with another remarkable injector known as Astro injector. This VIP injector has more new features that can make you an invincible player.
This injector contains no ads and it’s completely free so don’t have to spend any money and get every feature you want. Many injectors provide you with all the hacks you want but when you use them with your ID Gareena Free Fire instantly banes your player ID and all your precious time and effort that you put into the game get lost. That is why I recommend Astro Injector which is developed by Astro Gaming they assure you this app is anti-ban, so you can play a safe game.
Astro injector is a new marvelous free fire tool, which is used to hack free fire and gain all those features and items for which we have paid a considerable amount of money. This app has many new features as well which you won’t find in other apps.
First of all, it is an anti-ban injector means when you use it your ID won’t be banned from Free Fire Astro injector also has no ads popping feature which doesn’t let any app on your screen and this injector is suitable for all types of Android devices. Players who use this app are satisfied with it. This can make you one of the best players in the game. The features of this app are given below.
This app will provide the feature of auto headshot by using this feature you can easily hit a headshot without any practice all you need to do is press the fire button and this app will hit the enemy’s head.
Aim lock users have the advantage that they won’t miss an enemy even when the enemy is moving quickly because the Astro injector locks the aim on the target so you won’t miss your target.
location esp includes many other features like UAV green and UAV blue l both of these features are very useful when finding a hidden enemy. this feature with find out their location and show it on the map.
Astro injector will provide you with a feature for optimizing movement speed using this feature you can increase your speed and move very fast.
This is a marvelous feature as well because it can make you fly in the air and it will be very easy for you to locate your enemy and shoot him down
The antenna feature is another very helpful feature of the Astro injector. This feature will guide you directly to the enemy because it will form a line from you to every enemy on the map and no one can escape from your reach.
This feature is as interesting as it sounds because it has a unique ability to hit your enemy even if he or she is on the cover.
The astro injector has many other features as well which include no ads, free of costs, easy to use, user-friendly interface, and many more.
The astro injector is one of the best injectors for free fire and in my opinion, you should use it if you want to be a pro player. It has all those features you need. Hurry up and download it from our website.